About the United Church of Canada
(Image used with permission, United Church of Canada)
Fairbank United Church is a member of the United Church of Canada, Shining Waters Region. Below are some helpful online resources if you'd like to learn more about the United Church:
"A Song of Faith" - This is a poetic & relevant statement of Faith (2006) by the the United Church of Canada
Faith Statements and Social Policy Statements of the United Church of Canada
An excellent statement on "The Authority and Interpretation of Scripture" by the United Church of Canada (1992)
Some helpful United Church links:
United Church of Canada: www.united-church.ca
Toronto Conference of the United Church: www.torontoconference.ca
Shining Waters Regional Council: Home - Shining Waters
Wondercafe www.wondercafe.ca
The Edge www.edge-ucc.ca
(Image used with permission, United Church of Canada)
Fairbank United Church is a member of the United Church of Canada, Shining Waters Region. Below are some helpful online resources if you'd like to learn more about the United Church:
"A Song of Faith" - This is a poetic & relevant statement of Faith (2006) by the the United Church of Canada
Faith Statements and Social Policy Statements of the United Church of Canada
An excellent statement on "The Authority and Interpretation of Scripture" by the United Church of Canada (1992)
Some helpful United Church links:
United Church of Canada: www.united-church.ca
Toronto Conference of the United Church: www.torontoconference.ca
Shining Waters Regional Council: Home - Shining Waters
Wondercafe www.wondercafe.ca
The Edge www.edge-ucc.ca