Rates for Use of Space
Below are the rental rates for use of our space.
To make a booking, please contact the church office at 416 782 4175.
Weddings :
Member of Fairbank United Church: $0 free
Non-member $150 sanctuary rental
Minister: fee to be arranged directly
Caretaker (or designate) : $50
Musician/Organist : fee to be arranged directly (suggested minimum $125 increasing with complexity and amount of music)
Other Events - if not using piano
Half day (up to 3hours) : $100 for non-member, $0 for member
Full Day (up to 6 hours) : $200 for non-member, $0 for member
Basement only (up to 2 hours) : $50, $0 for member
If using piano in sanctuary:
Half day (up to 3 hours) : $125
Full Day (up to 6 hours) : $250
To make a booking, please contact the church office at 416 782 4175.
Weddings :
Member of Fairbank United Church: $0 free
Non-member $150 sanctuary rental
Minister: fee to be arranged directly
Caretaker (or designate) : $50
Musician/Organist : fee to be arranged directly (suggested minimum $125 increasing with complexity and amount of music)
Other Events - if not using piano
Half day (up to 3hours) : $100 for non-member, $0 for member
Full Day (up to 6 hours) : $200 for non-member, $0 for member
Basement only (up to 2 hours) : $50, $0 for member
If using piano in sanctuary:
Half day (up to 3 hours) : $125
Full Day (up to 6 hours) : $250